The specialty at this Lille import are the “Merveilleux” — mounds of crisp meringue enrobed by whipped cream.
Practical information
Address: 129 bis rue Saint Charles, 75015
Nearest transport: Charles Michels (10)
Hours:Closed Monday; Open Tuesday-Saturday, 7:30am.-8pm; Sunday, 7:30 am-7 pm
Telephone: 01 45 79 72 47
Website Facebook
Additional Locations
Address: 29 rue de l’Annonciation, 75016
Nearest transport: La Muette (9)
Hours: Closed Monday; Tuesday-Sunday, 9 a.m-7:30 pm
Telephone: 01 45 20 13 82
Address: 7 rue de Toqueville, 75017
Nearest transport: Villiers (2, 3)
Hours :Closed Monday; Open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 am-8 pm; Sunday, 10 am-7 pm
Telephone: 01 42 27 86 63
Address: 2 rue Monge, 75005
Nearest transport: Maubert-Mutualité (10)
Hours: Closed Monday
Telephone: 01 43 54 63 72
Reviews of interest
David Lebovitz (2014) “Slathered between two crunchy meringues is a rich cream filling, precisely thick enough to hold the meringues together. The individual cakes are spread with a whisper-thin layer of cream and encrusted with a blizzard of shaved chocolate. The first time I tasted one, I bought a box to share with a friend. But I made the mistake of tasting one before he arrived (or he made the mistake of being late) and by the time he got there, all that was left were a few crumbs of meringue.”
Lindsey Tramuta (2014) “Unlike most on-trend patisseries that perpetually roll out limited-edition flavors, Mr. Vaucamp keeps his meringues focused, offering a compact but beautifully executed selection of six flavors, from the classic, rolled in dark chocolate, to the more original, like cherry and speculoos (spiced Belgian biscuits).”
David Lebovitz (2011) “Each merveilleux is layers of croquant meringue and lightly sweetened whipped cream, and comes in just three flavors: chocolate, coffee, and speculoos (spiced). I think if Aux Merveilleux de Fred decided to open anywhere else, be it the Marais or Dubuque, Iowa, they would have lines around the block.”
Caroline Mignot (2011) “Certes, c’est sucré, c’est riche, mais finalement assez léger, sorte de nuage de meringue et de crème qui se laisse déguster sans l’ombre d’un remord (surtout le spéculoos).”