Address: 75 rue St. Honoré, 75001
Nearest transport: Les Halles (4) or Louvre-Rivoli (1)
Hours: Closed Sunday
Telephone: 01 42 36 24 83
Dorie Greenspan gives you permission to cut in line for a baguette at Julien.
Additional Location
Address: 24 rue St. Martin, 75004
Nearest transport: Chatelet (1, 4, 7, 11, 14)
Hours: Closed Sunday
Telephone: 01 48 87 46 17
In Other Words
Best Croissant (Concours du Meilleur Croissant au beurre AOC Charantes-Poitou) 18th place in 2010, 11th place in 2009, 7th place in 2008
Le Figaro (2011) Ranked #6 in their test of the city’s best strawberry tarts.
Dorie Greenspan (2010) “With visions of bread dancing in my head, what did I have…A ficelle from Boulangerie Julien whose shop is on the rue Saint Honore, away from fantasy breadland, steps from Les Halles and just where the locals want it. A word of warning: Unless you’ve got time to wait, don’t go at lunch hour — Julien’s ready-made sandwiches are dejeuner faves. And a tip: If all you want is bread, you can jump the line and go directly to the back of the shop.”