KGB began as an offshoot of Ze Kitchen Galerie, but in 2023 Martin Maumet (chef for the last eight years) bought out and separated himself from William Ledeuil. It will close from July 23 and reopen on September 1st as Oktobre. The team in the kitchen and dining room will remain the same.
We had included KGB among our recommendations for great vegetarian food in Paris.
KGB (now Oktobre)
5 rue des Grands Augustins, 75006

Figaroscope (2010) “…bigrement moderniste dans ses petites touches contemporaines adoucies par une dimension asiatique, tout en douceur et en parfums. Accueil parfait…”
John Talbott (2009) “…inventive dishes, exploding palates and easy prices…”
Alexander Lobrano (2009) “…the main reason Ledeuil’s food is so good is that his finely honed culinary technique doesn’t ‘fuse’ these foreign ingredients into French bistro cooking, it sublimates them…”
François Simon (2009) “Je reste un inconditionnel de l’esprit Kitchen: sa légerété, ses touches asian, sa façon de faire danser le produit et l’accueil soft…”
Thierry Richard (2009) “Des parfums, des couleurs, de la subtilité dans les alliances et de la maîtrise dans les dosages. Brillant!”