An attractive and likable cave in the Latin Quarter, but slick design can’t quite mask a partial dearth of bottles of particular interest. There are famous names here and there, but much of the stock is more puzzling than eyebrow-raising. The staff is generous (in that there are more of them than one expects in a place of this size) and friendly, but they’re clearly working from a supply chain unlike that feeding much of their more adventurous competition. The already-knowledgable can certainly find many things to drink here…but then, the already knowledgable are very likely shopping elsewhere. Still, a pleasant shopping experience goes a long way.
Practical information
Address: 64 Boulevard Saint-Germain, 75005
Nearest transport: Maubert-Mutualité (10)
Hours: Open every day
Telephone: 01 43 54 24 58
Reviews of interest
Le Guide du Gout: “Le plus de la boutique, c’est son état d’esprit. Loïc avait remarqué que les cavistes ne savaient pas toujours transmettre simplement leurs connaissances et leur passion du vin et il a voulu y remédier en apportant simplicité et transmission dans sa boutique.”