Pascal Guerreau now runs this longstanding bakery, pastry, and chocolate shop.
Practical information
Address: 47 rue Château d’Eau, 75010
Nearest transport: Château d’Eau (4)
Hours: Closed Monday
Telephone: 01 42 39 93 12
Reviews of interest
Time Out (2014) “This patisserie-cum-chocolate shop in any case has an old-fashioned rustic charm to it. No concessions to fashion or contemporary food trends (lovers of organic need not apply); at Tholoniat, the action happens in the kitchen, whence impossibly crisp baguettes and tongu-tinglingly tasty confectionery are churned out on a daily basis.”
Barbra Austin (2010) “Pascal Guerreau’s mille-feuille at Tholoniat rivals the one at Jacques Genin… Guerreau recognizes that a mille-feuille is really best made just before serving… Delicate, buttery, light as air. Go see for yourself.”