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Le Richer

Le Richer restaurant in Paris |

An offshoot of the nearby Office, you can stop by this former corner café at all hours of the day and night (sans reservation)  for snacks, small plates, decent coffee, cocktails, or an evening meal.


2 rue Richer, 75009
Open every day from 8am-midnight
Reservations not accepted



Table à Découvert (2015) “Bref, Richer, c’est l’adresse de quartier que je peux conseiller quelle que soit l’attente, l’envie.”

David Lebovitz (2014) “We were very happy to have dined well on food prepared with care and good ingredients, in pleasant, modern surroundings that weren’t trying to hard to be hip or edgy. Just comfortable and unobtrusive.”

Sugared & Spiced (2014) “Except for the desserts, we were quite happy with the dishes we tried , which are generally light, refreshing, and creative. Especially worth noting were the beef tartare, the tomato gazpacho, and the colvert duck. “

Lost in Cheeseland (2014) “Consistently good (I had the best, most tender suprême de volaille I’ve ever had in this city), the service is alert and pleasant and the space is comfortable (read: not trying to be trendy).”

Alexander Lobrano (2013) “A perfect neighborhood joint that’s worth the trek across town…brilliant winter eating, which is to say really consoling and warming food that also surprised by being light, precisely cooked and cleverly garnished.”

Figaroscope (2013) “Quelque part entre le bistro, la brasserie et l’auberge, une table détendue, souriante, ouverte sur la rue, 7 jours sur 7, de tôt le matin (bons petits déj.) à tard le soir (cocktails à la relance)”

L’Express (2013) “Le filet ferme de truite en gravlax est accordé à des agrumes et au côtes-du-jura En Chalasse de Julien Labet, les saint-jacques et les couteaux poêlés font trempette dans une mare au cresson, la joue de veau est braisée, escortée de chips de légumes racines, et le cheesecake, étonnant, est moussé au cantal.”


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