Cosi sells really great sandwiches with simple ingredients slathered on thin and crispy focaccia, fresh from a wood-burning oven. Excellent soups and salads, too. This is not the franchise fast food restaurant found in the United States.
- Open Saturday, open Sunday, open Monday, vegetarian friendly, vegan options, cheap eats, in Saint-Germain & in the Marais, no reservations, kid friendly
54 rue de Seine, 75006
Open every day for lunch & dinner
No reservations
5 Rue des Filles du Calvaire, 75003
Open every day for lunch & dinner
Le Fooding (2015) “Chez Cosi, la sandwicherie de Juan Sanchez et Drew Harré (Fish, Semilla, Freddy’s), ça se passe comme ci : une ribambelle de focaccia cuites le matin même au feu de bois, fourrées ensuite, à la demande, de dinde, curry, pommes et ciboulette (Lanky Mania), de mozarella, tomates, roquette et parmesan (Stonker), de rosbif, tomates confites, oignons rôtis, salade (Perfide Albion)…”
Simon Says (2012) “Une vingtaine de garnitures ne demandent qu’à gagner le cœur de cette focaccia repliée en deux et se présentant façon portefeuille comme un sandwich. Beaucoup de variations… le tout exécuté devant vous dans une atmosphère bon enfant…”
love this place. when did Drew open Cosi Paris. what year? thanks, and thanks for the photos
“Both delicious and the bread is yummy.” from Emily (above).
“I went to Cosi tonight and it was awful.” from Sonya (on the St Germain thread).
I’ve never been but I guess it proves that one person’s heaven is another’s hell.
Picked up sandwiches here to take to the Jardin du Luxembourg. There was a long queue of locals. Ordered one Stonker (mozzarella-tomato-arugula) and one MedWedd (tapenade-chèvre-cuke-red onion-tomato). Both delicious and the bread is yummy.